my healing

Helemaal onderaan een stukje in het Nederlands.

Everyone who has healed/ is healing/ intents to heal with DNRS (Annie Hopper) from MCS, Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, EHS and other limbic impairment diseases like OCD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain... can join our group Healing with DNRS (Annie Hopper) on facebook:

Please share this, thanks!

My personal experiences: I am healing from MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity (or TILT: toxic induced loss of tolerance), through this method: http://dnrsystem.colm/bio.html created by Annie Hopper. DNRS reprogrammes an impaired Limbic System.

Limbic System impairment is involved in a number of different illnesses such as:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Gulf War Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Food Sensitivity, Chronic Pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome.

April 30, 2014: I HAVE MY LIFE BACK after 37 y MCS, cluster headaches, food sensitivities, light/sound/pressure/touch sensitivities, ME, cPTSD! How? From April 12-15 (2014) I did the 'DNRS at home course' with DVDs. I strongly suggest that anyone with MCS or FIBROMYALGIA or CFS/ME etc will do the same... it costs E200/ CAD299. You get your money back if it did not help you. FOR EXAMPLE... in caase you could not afford it... if you would know 10 people who like to see you healthy, they all could invest E20/ CAD30 in you... then you can do the 4-day course at home. You can give the money back when you got healthy (you can work) .. and IF it did not help, you get the money back (from the DNRS)!!!!! Or the social sercvices of your town might pay for this course, for if you getting better will save their money, and if you don't you get it back for them.

Someone wrote to me in a private message: "I am not sure if I can believe you. To be healed so quickly, dont think it is possible. And I dont know if I can trust you for I dont know your real name."

My answer:
"It is not uncommon *) for this method to have great results in just a couple of days. *) = see Note below. 
You just have to get out of the looping that kept you imprisoned before. It is quite easy, really. I couldn't believe it myself too, but I notice it every day, I have my life back (after 37 y!).

RE My name... I could have put down any name and you could have believed that was my name. But I am honest about NOT giving my name. (I like my privacy a lot!).

With some it takes longer, but you just keep on practicing to get and stay out of the unhealthy looping. Then you also will have improvements and achievements, but smaller.  For me it is strange to keep on practicing, for I am so well already. But I noticed I really should, for you automatically slip back into the old looping otherwise.. That has been a track for soooooooo long, it takes a while to keep on the new, right, healthy track and stay there automatically. You need to promise yourself at forehand that you will do the exercises for half a year!

Below you can read some of my posts on my healing with DNRS.

♥ Pura Cielo


Hi folks, (16-4-2014)

The past 4 days I've been doing the DNRS-dvd program... it was fun, and after 1 day only I already had great progress. It a recommendation to do this... do not waste any more time on doubting... you will get your money back if it would not help you!

Pura Cielo


Hi folks, (19-42014)

I indeed had some improvement already... it is a commitment and some parts might take 6 months, some parts might change right away. I can only see in the now and lots of improvement.

- I can leave the house without my portable air purifier now (with shopping I still ware it, but aye, it's less than a week!!)

- I see better/ clearer (although I was not aware of lesser vision, I notice the improvement, also the colours are deeper/ warmer, amazing!),

- even others notice I am more relaxed.

It is great fun to do the exercises. Part of the programme I already knew, but in DNRS everything just fell on its place. Every day I write about my improvements for myself. And I tell friends about it.

Monday 14th was my second DVD day of the 3 day course (with an extra day for preparation)... I felt not well at all. I started doing the exercise and I felt not quite sane (haha), but I thought that back to bed still was an option too, and that the exercise was a new option that I wanted to really try. And then, while doing it... my voice would sound more and more, my body became stronger so the movements were easier to do, my mind became clearer... so the words would come out more fluently too. The evening before I had done the exercise 100x, so I did really know the words and movements & steps. Feeling not well that morning I could not rememember that all at first. When my mind cleared up, it was easier and easier. Then I had to yawn over and over (relaxing), and that was great. I did the exercise 30x. Then I was well enough to finally drink something. Somewhat later I could even eat something. And that all went well. So, I decided to start looking the DVD for day 2, since I also could bear light and sounds better and better again. And an hour later I suddenly realised... my head felt really fine and nice, and that was really amazing!!! I felt so wonderful, as if I just had been blessed... and I had to cry of being touched in that way. It was very special to me after almost 40 years of looping.

I could write half a book already, but now its (past) bedtime. Sleep well... oh yeah,,, I sleep better too... and I look different... more relaxed and, perhaps the best way to call it is: radiating more love/ calmness... more approachable perhaps. Oh yeah... I can handle the sound of a vacumer now! And I enjoyed so much the smell of several flowers that are out in this time of year.

Pura Cielo


Hi folks, (20-42014, Easter)

A whole week now I went out walking the dog without my portable air purifier! While walking the dog I do some exercises. So nice. I alternate with listening to my recordings of several exercises, and my sung affirmations. I also made drawings in which I put the important words. Once I put a drawing out while having breakfast... a lovely energy-sauce on my fruits. I listen to the meditation-CD every night before sleeping. I listen to Annie's beautiful prayer quite often (I recorded it). I really love to be busy with it, and it suits my life style wonderfully well.

Pura Cielo


Hi folks, (27-4-2014)

This morning I felt not good at all (to say it short), and after 10x doing the dance (= the steps + sayings + arm movements, as far as the 'choice') I was instantly totally fine! Its really amazing still! Thought I might have gotten used to the idea after 14 days! Its only 14 days now... my life has changed completely, and I myself too. So much more relaxed, and more energetic, and so much freedom, so much I CAN do, and last but not least... I even can do NOTHING (I was not very good at doing nothing before, haha).

Before I wanted to ask: "How about delayed reactions?" (mine usually after 3 days), but the answer already knocked on my door... it does not matter... just do the 'dance' and its gone (like on the 2nd day of the course, amazing!!!).

Now I am so fine, usually daily, that I notice myself wondering on if I should keep on doing the exercises... it feels already done. Luckily I like to do them, and I still smell quite well... although... Friday a friend left a black cardigan on the couch in my living-room. I did NOT smell it until I put my nose in it... so I knew it was hers, I remember she used that kind of washing powder (detergent?).

Pura Cielo.


Hi folks, (28-4-2014)

Still walking the dog without my portable air purifier and mask. Went to a concert with my portable air purifier and mask, but I did not need to ware it! I have lots of energy, can do so much more every day and enjoy this VERY much, am so happy happy HAPPY. Sunday I woke up feeling very VERY unwell, BUT I did my exercise 10x and it was gone instantly! Two weeks ago I did that with 30x and an hour later I was totally fine. I cried for I was so happy that IT REALLY WORKS!

Today I shook hands with my physiotherapist, who washes her hands with soap many times a day. I asked her if I could smell her hand first... didn't smell a thing! By the way... to get to her I walked 4 stairs and my breathing stayed calm! I passed the freshly cleaned toilets... I was fine! She let me do all sorts of physical exercises and I was fine. On my way down I even went to the freshly cleaned toilet... I was fine! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

Afterwards I went shopping without my portable air purifier and mask... I even went into the lane with cleaning solutions and... I was totally fine. At home I was still energetic enough to put away all my groceries, AND went to a garden shop to buy all sorts of berries, grapes, and passiflora, honeysuckle, jasmin, clematis... AND I walked with a friend, AND I cooked dinner and ate it, AND I worked in the garden, AND I am still feeling very energetic!!!

Pura Cielo



ik ben blij en geef anderen ook graag de kans, want ik ben namelijk lang niet de enige die genezen is dankzij DNRS. Geloof wat je wilt geloven. Ik ben zelf jaren lang medisch kwaliteitscontroleur geweest en heb me daarnaast verdiept in allerlei alternatieve geneeswijzen waarmee ik bosjes anderen kon helpen, maar niet mezelf. Ik heb wel het idee dat het mijn proces van het helemaal geïsoleerd raken door wegzakken in MCS etc heeft vertraagd. Ik had net op tijd mijn mobiele luchtzuiveraar, anders was ik er w.s. niet meer geweest. Ik kan sinds 1996 al niet meer werken. Geloof me gerust als je wilt, want je weet dat ik niet uit mijn nek klets. Dit is bovendien gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek van o.m. Dr Norman Doidge, die bewezen heeft dat er neuroplasticiteit is in de hersenen. Pychisch en hersenen zijn geen synoniemen, voor de duidelijkheid. Je hebt niets fout gedaan, het is niet ouw schuld. Maar als de angst voor valse hoop groter is dan de zin om iets te proberen en te zien of het helpt, dan doe je er toch niets mee? Iedereen maakt alleen keuzes voor zichzelf, en draagt ook zelf de gevolgen van die keuzes zelf (wat deels doorstraalt op de omgeving). Ik heb geen enkele intentie om iemand te vertellen dat ie DNRS moet doen. Maar nu jullie weten dat het bestaat, heb je de jeuze of je dit proces wilt aangaan of niet. Wie nog werkt, kiest mss anders dan wie geen alternatief meer heeft, wiens leven aan een zijden draadje hangt. Ik ben zelf nogal uitprobeerderig en vooral niet zo afwachtend, maar ik lees me grondig in en bereid me goed voor, ga echt niet als een kip zonder kop overal achteraan hollen. Zo heb ik het toch maar mooi gered tot ik na 37 jaar (!!!!!) eindelijk een echte oplossing heb gevonden. Als de oorzaak van een overgevoeligheid of ongemak of stoornis of aandoening een Limbische Storing is, zou ik DNRS van harte aanraden, De meesten hebben binnen een paar dagen al groot resultaat, net als ik dus. Ik kon het zelf ook nauwelijks geloven, en verklaarde mezelf zelfs voor gek toen ik die oefeningen stond te doen met mijn doodzieke lijf, maar al doende voelde ik me steeds beter, mijn stem werd sterker, ik kon makkelijker op mijn benen staan en makkelijker bewegen, ik kon beter licht en geluid verdragen, en toen kon ik iets drinken, daarna kon ik zelfs iets eten... en een uur later... voelde ik me helemaal prima, en nog meer dan dat... ik voelde me gezegend, had hoop voor de toekomst, ik huilde van geluk. En elke dag merk ik weer dat het werkt, want elke dag voel ik dat mijn systeem in de oude looping wil slippen, maar ik doe de oefening en huppetee, ik zit weer op het goede spoor. Zooo simpel, iedereen kan dat en iedereen heeft een Limbisch Systeem en neuroplasticiteit (in de hersenen), dus iedereen kan uit een Limbische Looping komen met deze oefeningen. Zo dubbel en dwars die E200 waard... Ik heb allerlei behandelingen gehad, alleen maar voor verlichting van mijn situatie, dat ik even kon ontspannen (craniosacraal therapie, E90 per behandeling), dat mijn wervels en botten goed zouden staan (Methode Sickezs, E80 per behandeling), hulp om de aanvallen te overleven (o.m. Reiki, gratis van een vriendin en dat hield me rustig zodat ik niet helemaal in een pijnkramp raakte en nog meer pijn had, en mijn lichaam niet de hele tijd hoefde te schudden vanwege overbelasting van de bijnieren,,, de stress van de pijn was meer dan mijn lichaam kon verdragen)...en zo kan ik nog uren doorgaan. Maar.. ik heb nog wat anders te doen, haha, en anders zou het nog lijken dat ik iemand om wil praten, maar dat is niet zo, Ik laat jullie gewoon een stukje meer van mijn verhaal zien zodat je een completer plaatje hebt. Fijne dag nog. ♥ Pura Cielo














































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