Welome to Perfume Free

clarity on MCS


MCS Een groeiend probleem

In de Verenigde Staten lijkt onderzoek aan te tonen dat onder diverse bevolkingsgroepen 15-37% van de mensen zichzelf als bijzonder gevoelig of allergisch ziet voor veelgebruikte chemicaliën en chemische luchtjes, zoals uitlaatgassen, tabaksrook, nieuwe verf, nieuwe vloerbedekking en parfums. Maar slechts 5% of minder, verschilt per leeftijdsgroep, zei dat er MCS was geconstateerd. Ongeveer driekwart van hen bestond uit vrouwen.

Veel MCS-patiënten zeggen dat hun kwaal is veroorzaakt door pesticiden en oplosmiddelen. Beide producten komen veel voor in het milieu, vooral oplosmiddelen. Oplosmiddelen zijn vluchtige (snel vervliegende) stoffen, die andere stoffen vloeibaar houden. Ze zijn een bestanddeel van verf, vernis, lijm, pesticiden en vloeibare reinigingsmiddelen.

About me:

ARNHEM, Holland, Dec 10, 2013 ~ Four days ago I started my facebookpage. Now I have connected with 137 friends. Introducing myself to all my new friends... Thanks for connecting. Hope others will join too. I THANK people for NOT using perfumed products, and I point out alternatives. I have MCS (due to my former job as a medical analyst, working with chemical stuff). I have no company nor samples. I buy products that do not interfere with my health in the Organic shops etc. I like to connect people with each other WHO DON'T USE PERFUMED PRODUCTS, so that they can meet safely... people with MCS tend to get very lonely, as you will understand. (Capitals for we do not have bold/ underline/ etc here).
Thanks for inviting people to connect with Parfum Vrij (in Arnhem, Holland). I like to provide information to you all on how we can improve our situation, and hope that world wide everyone will add to this. I already started with info on histamine, HPU, Zn Mn, B6, and of course: enjoy the small things, create beauty etc. LOVE to you from Parfum Vrij (meaning Perfume Free). Over 100 friends in 2 days! Wonderful. Thank you all for connecting!

Sensitive reactions to stuff can appear up to 3 (or more) days later! (Did you know? Read more...) Do you know about HISTAMIN and HPU (haemopyrrollactamuria)? It might be possible that HPU, causing low B6, zinc and mangane, the latter causing high copper, which causes low histamin. Low histamin makes one vulnerable to the usual small histamin-level-changes (due to hormones/ stress/ very hard work or top sports/ foods with histamine or histanmin-freeing stuff). The higher your natural histamin level, the less vulnerable you are to natural small histamine-level-changes. Do I need to go on on this subject? Just let me know, and I'll give you all ins and outs that I know of!

Join us at facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parfum.vrij.in.arnhem








































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